The following day I arose early. I had now met another cyclist, this time from Spain. However I intended to make the 1120 metre pass as early as possible so soon after 7 I set off with the cool air as refreshment.
The stories of uphill for the first 25km then downhill all the way for the next 80, where a little streched. Still I made Coyhaique, the region´s capital by 3. I got some hard cash from a machine and explored options. I had a fantastic Lomo a lo Pobre, a huge steak, eggs, chips. And a beer.I chose to head for Chacabuco and buy a ticket from El Chaiten to Puerto Montt. I would be able to see the aftermath of a Volcano on one of Chile´s villages. Chaiten was subjected to a Volcano in May 2008.
I set off late, after realising my factor 60 suncream was at a low point and I needed to buy some more. I´d made a late start. Whist filling up my water bottle I met Bert, a Dutch guy, who was cycling from Ushuia to Alaska. A two year trip. We joked about the winds in the south. This guy took 2 and a half weeks to get along route 40, sometimes makeing less than 30km a day! Never head north, do Alaska to Ushuia and you´ll have tail winds all the way!
We cycled together for a few hours, but he was taking X50 abd then R7 Northwards. I headed for Chacabuco to buy a ticket for one weeks time. I met three girls from Australia and New Zealand who said the area here was like NZ, but soooo much bigger and better. Ok, I´ll shelve the NZ plans now. I stayed at an odd place in Chacabuco, but lovely people. I even met a local guy who supported Liverpool FC. I promised to send him my Liverpool - Havant and Waterlooville programme.
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